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All hail the hop farmers!

09 December 2016
Category: Brewery News
All Hail The Hop Farmers

If you’ve ever been to the brewery and taken a tour around our magical building, you’ll be aware that we’re all about quality and producing the best possible beers. It’s what we’re best at, and we hold nothing higher than the quality of our ales. Our brewing process is tightly controlled and consistent, dedicated to ensuring the perfect pint.

Perhaps the most important feature of our brewing process, conducted months before actually brewing, is the selection of the best ingredients. As we talked about in the last installment of the Brew Store – here – hops are crucial to our beers and we treat the selection of hops very seriously. As a result, we reckon we’ve got some of the best hops in the UK right now and our diverse array of varieties are perfect for the beers we love to produce here at the brewery.

Arguably our most important hop, the Fuggle, is a big contributor to our ever-famous Best Bitter and this year we’ve got hold of some of the best stock to date! We’ve added the latest 2016 batch of hops in recent brews of Best Bitter and the farmers have done a superb job of growing an incredibly vibrant hop with bags of character. We’re using Hampton Estate Fuggles based in Surrey. They have the very best peppery, aromatic hop character and it shows in our Best Bitter, with its iconic, sharp finish. Best Bitter is full of zing at the moment!

Our Head Brewer, Phil Douglas is hugely passionate about hops and has helped in gaining access to this amazing batch: “They can’t be any fresher and were still growing in September this year. We love the Fuggle hop here at Black Sheep and it’s very exciting to be using this brilliant batch in our Best Bitter”.

“We’ve used the hops in the Hopback so we can achieve the very maximum aroma”.

So we just wanted to post a blog to say a massive thanks to all our hop growers and merchants, who continue to provide us with the very best hops in the UK. Thanks guys! And let us know what you think of the beer…

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