Win a Holy Grail plaque, signed by Terry Gilliam!
To celebrate the silliest month of the year, and the arrival of the next batch of Monty Python’s Dead Parrot, we’re giving you the chance to win a Holy Grail plaque, signed by a Python himself (Terry Gilliam), when you buy any product in our Monty Python range!
The qualifying products are:
● Monty Python’s Dead Parrot
● Monty Python’s Holy Grail
● Monty Python’s Holy Grail Pint Glass
● Holy Grail Superfan Case
● Holy Grail Bottle & Glass
● The Flock
● Your Perfect Beer Crate – but only if it includes a Monty Python beer!
So, the real question is: what are you going to treat yourself to? We’ve heard that Norwegian Blues have some beautiful plumage (if you fancy some Dead Parrot) – but, you could also calculate the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow, while sipping on a refreshing pint of our iconic Holy Grail.
This competition must end at midnight on Saturday 31st October, and the winner will be contacted by us (via email) on Monday 2nd November.
Good luck!