Free Beer for 25, 50, 75 and 100 Year Olds!
As we continue to celebrate our 25th anniversary, we’re rolling out a one-year-only offer to all 25 year olds and multiples thereof.
With every tour in 2017; 25, 50, 75 and even 100 year olds can claim a free pint on top of their complimentary tasters after the tour. To claim your pint, simply show our bar staff some Photo I.D. after you’ve been round the brewery and they’ll happily pull you a pint of whatever you fancy!
It was 1992 when it all started for us here at the Black Sheep, so much has happened over those years! 2017 will be super special for us and this addition to our 25th Anniversary celebrations is a cracker for all you 25 year olds! So what are you waiting for?!
More celebrations and offers will continue to be introduced as we move through 2017, so keep an eye out for updates on that!