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Can we get Velo to Paris’ Champs Elysees on time?

23 July 2014
Category: Brewery News
Velo Pale Ale Bottle

The Grand Depart may have left Yorkshire but the race is still on – in more ways than one! 

We have set ourselves a challenge of epic proportions – to get our newly bottled Velo ale to the Tour de France finish line…in 4 days time.

Velo was originally only intended to be a cask ale, but due to popular demand from beer lovers across the UK, we are now making it a part of our permanent bottled collection.

To give you an idea of just how BIG a challenge this is – our bottles of Velo are still currently in production. However, we are quietly confident with brewing, label design and label printing complete – but we still need to bottle and apply our newly designed label…oh, and get it to France.

After cycling 2,276 miles, we imagine the riders will be pretty thirsty, so we don’t want to let them down!

We will be keeping you all up-to-date and documenting our progress on the Black Sheep facebook and twitter pages (you can also search #VelotoParis)

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