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The Black Sheep Lockdown Quiz!

14 April 2020
Category: Brewery News
The Black Sheep Lockdown Quiz!

So, we’re nearly four weeks into lockdown here in the UK. It’s been a very worrying and anxious time and Covid-19 has certainly affected everyone in the world, one way or another. Being in lockdown can be pretty tedious, but this new way of living has opened up a new way of communicating with friends and family that previously, we would probably never have done. The emergence of online communications has seen us catch up with loved ones via apps like Zoom which allows us to enjoy some chat, banter and a couple of drinks with friends through the power of the internet.

We’re sure you’re all aware of Zoom and have been using it over the past couple of weeks. We certainly have and one thing we’ve been recreating here at Black Sheep is the classic ‘pub quiz’, the perfect way to get the competitive juices flowing on an evening with loved ones! With that in mind, from today, we will be including a Black Sheep lockdown quiz with every online order so that you can host your very own virtual pub quiz from the comfort of your own home. We’ve done all the research and have created five rounds of ten questions from a variety of themes from geography to sheep-themed film and TV! To get hold of your quiz, just purchase some beer or merchandise from our shop and we’ll send a question and answer sheet along with it!

Not only that, but we’ve also pulled together the below images that you can add as virtual backgrounds on your Zoom calls to further create the bustling atmosphere of Black Sheep! Just save the images to your device and you can add it as your background when you’re in your call!

These are tough times that we’re living in but hopefully the quiz will make for some light relief. Oh and did we mention? The quiz is best enjoyed with a few Black Sheep beers!

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