Introducing: Black Sheep Micro-Brewery
If you’ve been to our Visitor Centre in Masham recently, you may have already heard about the new addition to our flock but for those who haven’t…
We recently launched a new 5 barrel micro-brewery, which will enable us to test and experiment with new brews, as well as producing one off specialist brews too. The launch co-coincided with Cask Ale Week where visitors to the brewery, were the first to try two of our latest brews:
- Brew #1 – a star bright white ale with cascade hops, orange and coriander (4.8%)
- Brew #2 – a warming fruity winter ale with goldings, fuggle & challenger hops (6.0%)
How small is our Micro-Brewery?
To give you an idea of scale, our main brewhouse has a minimum brew run of 50 barrels, compared to our micro-brewery which only produces 5 barrel consignments.
The micro-brewery is a replica of our larger brewery, to ensure that we can upscale any of our smaller runs, as Our Head Brewer, Alan Dunn explains:
“It was important that the processes we implement in our existing plant could be replicated when testing new brews, and this played an important role in the development of the micro brewery. This means we have a unique – and I believe the world’s smallest – five barrel Yorkshire Square fermenter, and we are able to simply scale up the process to put a test brew into full production.”
It creates a massive opportunity for us and we will be using it initially to develop some new beers for next year, so watch this space!